in short: made a shitty js crab bot that posts images of crabs on discord. thats it. thats the entire thing. here i'll document my struggle to get it to stay alive by just hosting it on my NUC
crab bot was born on this day. it is a very special day for many. many people rejoiced upon the birth of crab bot. i recieved countless letters, emails, faxes, carrier pigeons and scrolls with kind words from fans. however, after a few hours
of crab bot hosting i realise i made a terrible error. crab bot wouldn't function unless i was using my computer..
i found the solution. i have a NUC that i could finally call crab bot's home. it ran a sleek copy of linux mint (cinnamon) and crab bot ran smooth as butter. i could finally operate crab bot without using my power devouring beast of a machine. yet, i ran into another problem. crab bot, after some inactivity, would time out after a while. i was distraught, and so were the fans.
did a bit of tinkering. edited the SSH config file to refresh every 60 seconds to prevent mr crab from timing out. the error still persisted.
once again, another failed tinker. i thought crab bot was recieving too many requests at once, so i capped it at about 1000 requests an hour or something, i cant remember. something like that. but still, nothing. i was so distraught!
bought an ethernet switch to keep crab bot hooked up to my router at all times. i thought it was the poor wireless signal in my room. but alas, he still struggled and kept timing out. i figured out the issue.
uptimerobot is strange and i still am struggling to figure it out. i've lost hope. i will make a discord bot solely as life support for little crab bot to keep him up with requests. fuck you discord